Satanic Church of Cuba®️

Satanic Church of Cuba®️


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14 May 2023

Definition of Satanist

Homemade rituals

Mantra to the Goddess Lilith

The ritual to the Goddess Lilith. Repeat the following mantra (mentally or out loud). Marag Ama Lilith Rimog Salamo Naamah. Lilk - litu Lilith Malkah ha Shadim. I Invoke you Goddess of the Moon Queen of witches and forbidden pleasures. Emerge from the Erotic caves of the Red Sea. Come to me mother of Fornication consort of Samael ancient Goddess, who rides the Crescent Moon across the Midnight skies and screams in the true. Mother of Demons Lady and harlot princess of screams who flies through the night and screams in the true. Scarlet Harlot, who rides the back of the Blind Dragon. Sinful Witch. Eros and Thanatos incarnate. Marag Ama, Lilith Rimog Samalo Naamah. Hear my call come to my temple of flesh appear before me, Mother of Dark wisdom. Reveal the secrets of your impure communion. Awaken my senses, break the shells and dissolve the world as you approach intoxicated by the exile of the Red Moon - Blood. Marag Ama Lilith Rimog Salamo Naamah You are death, communion and ecstasy. Your mouth drips fresh blood, your forked tongue drips deadly poison. Your eyes black as death. Your breath like the stench of carrion. Your womb is the refuge of the serpent. I call you mother of harlots who holds the chalice with the blood of the moon, I call you. Fire of the serpent that Lights the veil of illusions. I call you Alien woman. That seduces and directs to the correct path of Fornication. I call you queen of Sheba consort of God, I call you Bride of the Devil. That rules the realm of eternal shadows. I call you queen of every living creature. I call you death of all flesh, womb and the grave. I call you. Lilith Malkah loves Lilith Rimog Salamo Naamah. In the Name of the Dragon. Ho Drakon Ho Megas. Written by: Noel Alarcon TAKEN from the author: Alberto Rodríguez.

13 Apr 2023

Regional Sub-Office

At the request of the 2nd Degree teacher Julio C Bermudez Avila, Superintendent and maximum leader of the Order, it was decided to create a sub-headquarters in sister Argentina, which will be directed by Mr. "The Emissary of the Satan", as Regional Superintendent and it will be under the direction of the central headquarters in Cuba. Hail Satan

30 Mar 2023

Are you a Satanist or an economist?

Today our Order had contact with the page of the High Priest Peter H. Gilmore, the highest leader of the Church of Satan, New York, USA In the dialogue between Master Julio C Bermudez and the High Priest, the latter said that "to obtain the protection of Satan, each applicant to his church must make a generous donation of 1000 US dollars to buy candy." In response, our highest leader in Cuba replied "how is it possible that in our country there is a considerable lack of medicines for the sick, and how is it that the donations of the Satanists are supposedly to buy candy." This High Priest said that if the donation is not made, Satan will not be able to provide us protection. Now the question is the following: Will it be Satan or the crude lie of taking advantage of the name of our supreme Satan? Wouldn't it be better to donate to buy medicine, food or shelter for those who need it? What is the difference between this "Church of Satan" in New York and the murderous "Catholic Church"? Only you have the final say.

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